![]() IDW & DC Entertainment Team Up For An Epic Comic Book Crossover Event San Diego, CA (April 4, 2015) – IDW Publishing, CBS Consumer Products and DC Entertainment announced today that they will boldly go where no one has gone before…in brightest day, in blackest night. Two iconic franchises will meet this summer in a legendary crossover event with the release of a six-part comic book miniseries, STAR TREK/GREEN LANTERN: THE SPECTRUM WAR. Both Star Trek and Green Lantern are known for their strong cast of interstellar characters and when they come together for the first time this July, fans new and old are sure to experience a galaxy-sized thrill. STAR TREK/GREEN LANTERN: THE SPECTRUM WAR is six-part monthly mini-series and will be written by veteran Star Trek comic writer Mike Johnson with interior art by Angel Hernandez (INFINITE CRISIS: FIGHT FOR THE MULTIVERSE, ARROW). STAR TREK/GREEN LANTERN: THE SPECTRUM WAR #1 will be available in stores and online in July, boasting covers from Gabriel Rodriguez, Francesco Francavilla, Elsa Charretier, and Garry Brown. Following issues will feature covers from an amazing lineup that includes Declan Shalvey, Marc Laming, and more! “We’ve looked forward to bringing these two iconic universes together for a long time,” said Greg Goldstein, IDW President and COO. “Star Trek and Green Lantern both share so many of the same science-fiction adventure themes and ideals, that a galaxy-spanning crossover like this is simply…logical.” “Green Lantern is one of the most popular, storied characters in the history of comic books and a modern DC Comics icon. An entire universe of Green Lanterns and other supporting characters have grown out from his original adventures in the 1940’s, and this series really showcases the intergalactic scope of the franchise,” said Bob Harras, Editor-in-Chief of DC Comics. A pop culture mainstay for almost 50 years, Star Trek's fan base continues to grow exponentially with the new feature films in 2009 and 2013. Now all Star Trek fans can watch their favorite U.S.S. Enterprise crew members meet Hal Jordan and the entire Green Lantern Corps in an adventure that spans space, time and all the colors of the spectrum. Set in Star Trek’s 23rd Century, the balance of the universe will be tested when the Green Lantern Corps’ Power Rings come into the possession of certain Star Trek characters while a dark and powerful evil looms around every corner. Only the combined power of the Green Lantern Corp and the Federation stand any chance of stopping those who worship evil’s might.
![]() From Newsarama Beginning in June, DC Entertainment is de-emphasizing continuity and scrapping the "New 52" branding of its superhero comics line, as the publisher launches a “bold new direction for the DC Universe” and a slew of new titles it's calling “inclusive,” "contemporary," and "accessible." “In this new era of storytelling, story will trump continuity as we continue to empower creators to tell the best stories in the industry,” DC Co-Publisher Dan DiDio says in a press release announcing the June launch, which follows the company's two-month break for its line-wide Convergence event. In June, DC reports it will publish 24 new #1 issues to join 25 already-existing comics that will continue from their March numbering for a total of 49. New titles will be added to the line throughout the year. DC's new line will introduce some new creators to DC, like Ming Doyle and Gene Luen Yang, while also bringing back some familiar faces, like Garth Ennis and Bryan Hitch. And to clarify: Although DC is no longer using the "New 52" moniker, the 2011-launched, rebooted DC universe is apparently sticking around — just with less emphasis on the new universe's continuity, and more emphasis on diversifying the line. In its announcement on Friday, DC says they’re evolving their comic storytelling to appeal to a wider group of readers, and its “next generation of fans.” Using terms like "contemporary tonality," "fresh," "inclusive," "accessible" and "modern" to describe its new comics. DiDio says the company's new line will "tell stories that better reflect the society around us." The move appears to be a response to what DiDio recently described to Newsarama as the "changing readership" of comics. "We're seeing more diversity in our audience. We're seeing a younger crowd," DiDio says. "We're seeing people really enthusiastic about comics. So what we're trying to do is embrace all our audiences, and to create product that I feel talks to everybody." Click here for the full article, view all the titles below. 25 continuing titles:
24 New #1s:
Written by DAN JURGENS and JEFF KING Art and cover by ETHAN VAN SCIVER 1:10 B&W Variant cover by ETHAN VAN SCIVER 1:25 Variant cover by DARWYN COOKE 1:50 Variant cover by PATRICK ZIRCHER 1:100 Variant cover by ADAM HUGHES Advance solicit • On sale APRIL 1 • 40 pg, FC, $4.99 US RATED T Where do worlds go when they die? The Earthquakes felt round the Multiverse, Superman’s lost days after “Doomed,” the World’s End – all these points will converge as the history of the DCU is spun from a new perspective, the perspective of a mad god and his arrogant child. The biggest story in DC history ties into literally every DC story ever told – and it all begins here. Kingdom Come, Red Son, Wild West Justice League, Captain Carrot and the Zoo Crew – all the worlds you remember can still be found on Telos. Everything matters. Every story matters. Don’t miss the start of DC’s April/May 2015 event with this special issue! ![]() From Newsarama Today marks the final reveal for DC Comics’ Convergence event. The fourth week of the event, running in April and May 2015, will see two-issue limited series that focus on the original DC Comics multiverse: the Pre-Crisis Earth 2, Earth 3, Earth 4 (Charlton), Earth S, and Earth X. There’s also one surprise series - that probably isn’t much of a surprise to anyone paying attention. Newsarama has an exclusive look at the five Pre-Crisis Earth 2 series art, plus information on the other five. The eight weeks of forty two-issue mini-series will run alongside an 8 issue (9 including #0) weekly series by newcomer Jeff King to tie it all together. Multiple worlds from multiple eras of DC's multiverse will come together on Brainiac's Blood Moon to fight for their relevance. So far we’ve been regressing through time and this week follows the theme. Week one saw the early 2000s pre-New 52 characters featured, week two focused on the 90s “lost generation” characters, week three saw the 80s characters from the Crisis-era, and now week four goes strictly Pre-Crisis. There’s not quite as much theme to each era’s opponents, though there are multiple mentions of Flashpoint as “villains” for week one, Kingdom Come for Week two, and Tangent for week three. Week four sees a couple of Qward Universe invasions, but then mixes things up with battles against various futures like One Million and a post-apocalyptic Jonah Hex (not to mention Futures’ End), and battles against other classic Elseworlds like Red Son and Gotham by Gaslight. The big exception to the rule is Booster Gold by Dan Jurgens and artists Alvaro Martinez, Raul Fernandez, and Chris Sotomayor. This series will take place on and from “Multiple Earths” with Rip Hunter, Booster, and other time travelers from throughout DC Comics history. Here then are the five Pre-Crisis Earth 2 series with exclusive interior art (that, despite exclusivity is unaltered), plus the full details on the other five series. Notable creative teams include Jeff Parker and Doc Shaner taking a go at the classic Marvel Family in Shazam, Jerry Ordway hitting the classic Infinity Inc., and the aforementioned obvious inclusion of Dan Jurgens and Booster Gold. Click here for all the titles. ![]() From Newsarama Via IGN and The Nerdist, DC Comics has revealed the third week of ten April-May 2015 limited series that make up their Convergence event. Each week in April, 10 of the two-issue mini-series will debut, running for two months and taking the place of the full lineup of DC Comics for April and May 2015. Those will run concurrently with a weekly mini-series that tells the heart of the Convergence story. Week three keeps the nostalgia theme going - after week one brought us Cassandra Cain, Wally West married with children, Stephanie Brown Batgirl and Renee Montoya Question, and week two brought us 90s versions of Superboy, Green Arrow (Connor Hawke), and the Kingdom Come lineup of characters. It also continues the theme of bringing some creators either long-dormant or new to DC to take on their characters. Marv Wolfman has two books in week three, but the most notable is an all-classic New Teen Titans lineup. Yes, that includes Donna Troy, one of the last real holdouts for the New 52, plus disco outfit Nightwing and more. The book will be drawn by Nicola Scott, Marc Deering, and Jeromy Cox, and features the team facing the Tangent Universe Doom Patrol. Indeed, that’s the theme of the week. Week one is (Pre-New 52) 2000s characters taking on Flashpoint. Week two is 90s characters versus Kingdom Come. Week three? 80s characters versus Tangent. Sensing a theme yet? Amongst the other notables, Josh Middleton does interior art for the first time in years, teaming up with Larry Hama on the Wonder Woman twofer - they’re bucking the Tangent trend, instead fighting “Red Rain” vampires. Carlos D’Anda, character and concept artist for the Batman: Arkham series of video games, provides pencils on Batman and the Outsiders written by Marc Andreyko. David Gallaher and Steve Ellis (with Ande Parks and Hi-Fi) bring their indie and webcomic sensibility to a tale of the Green Lantern Corps featuring an angry (but green-ringed) Guy Gardner. Click here for the full article. ![]() GREEN LANTERN CORPS Writer: David Gallaher Artists: Steve Ellis and Ande Parks Colorist: Hi-Fi Say the Oath, save the world! If only being the Green Lantern Corps was that easy. Hal has resigned, John is busy, and Guy is pissed. Together for the first time—they’ll save Gotham or die trying. ![]() From USAToday For 2015's annual "big event,'' DC Comics is mashing up stories and characters from 80 years of comic-book history while also introducing a big bad villain. The company is putting its line of superhero comic books on hiatus for two months for Convergence, a nine-week miniseries kicking off with a zero issue April 1. The story line will spill into 40 two-part miniseries in April and May featuring a variety of writers and artists examining the worlds of the DC Universe over the decades, as well as the heroes and villains contained within. "It captures the full essence and scope of DC's incredible history and storytelling," says co-publisher Dan DiDio. "There is a story and a character for every generation of DC Comics fan." Convergence spins out of the April 1 finales of the Earth 2: World's End and The New 52: Futures End weekly series. The alien supervillain Brainiac has trapped cities from various timelines and planets that have ended, brought them in domes to a planet outside of time and space, and is now opening them for a great experiment to see what happens when all these folks meet. "We're picking up at points of their lives where we left them and finding out what's gone on with them since then," says DiDio. One of the hallmarks of DC has been the popularization of a "multiverse" of parallel worlds of familiar characters, and that has led to story lines such as the 1985 crossover Crisis on Infinite Earths and this year's The Multiversity by writer Grant Morrison. Since DC rebooted its entire superhero line as part of "The New 52" relaunch in 2011, fans have wondered if certain key moments in DC lore — the death of Superman, Bane breaking Batman's back, etc. — still "counted" in continuity, says co-publisher Jim Lee. And there's the fact that people have also queried them about what happened to certain favorite characters and teams such as Donna Troy, Blue Beetle and the Justice Society of America, and why they haven't been reintroduced while others have. "What we're really addressing is they all exist and have existed and exist within the framework of the New 52," Lee explains. "Convergence is in many ways the most meta epic event we've done." Following in the footsteps of Brainiac is Telos, a new bad guy being introduced in Convergence. Named after the Greek philosophical term for ''end'' or ''goal,'' he is born of Brainiac and this mysterious planet — even taking on traits of that world — "but becomes a character unto himself," says DiDio. The event also marks the comic debut of writer Jeff King, who's handling the scripting and storytelling for the main Convergence plot line. (Dan Jurgens of Futures End is co-writing the zero issue with him, while former Superman scribe Scott Lobdell is helping to lay out the overall outline of the story.) King, the executive producer and head writer of USA's White Collar TV series, has a background in science fiction with his work on the shows Stargate SG-1 and Continuum. "Because this involved so much deep lore and fiction from DC Comics, it was great to have someone come in with a fresh set of eyes to look at it and make sure that it's as open and accessible to all fans," DiDio says. "Not just the people who have been reading DC throughout the years." Update: DC Comics has released the full promo pic below revealing more "Earths". ![]() From Comic Book Resources Geoff Johns participated in a Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything) with fans Tuesday night and revealed a few Green Lantern related details below, full article here. Hal Jordan will return to the Justice League. Johns stated that Hal Jordan -- a character Johns is very familiar with from his years on "Green Lantern" -- will return to the League "soon." There are plans for Simon Baz. In other Green Lantern news, Johns clarified that though "Justice League of America" has ended, there are plans at DC for Simon Baz, a relatively new addition to the publisher's roster. ![]() Diamond Comic Distributors announces a celebration of comics, comic shops, and pop-culture in October with the third annual Halloween ComicFest (HCF) event! Communities are encouraged to check out their local comic shop and get free comics while also participating in shop’s special Halloween events such as costume contests, sales, character appearances and more on Saturday, October 25th, 2014! During Halloween ComicFest, adults and kids can go into a local participating comic shop and get free Halloween and horror themed comics and mini-comics published specifically for Halloween ComicFest. This year there are 19 titles available to choose from that are great for kids and adults with twelve full-sized comics and seven mini-comics. Titles for this year include: DC’s Scooby Doo Team-Up with Batman#1 , Marvel’s Secret Wars #1, Afterlife with Archie #1, My Little Pony, Hero Cats, Rachel Rising and other haunting and fun tales. This year, retailers will also be selling HCF mini-comics in packs of 20 copies for fans to purchase and pass out on Halloween to trick-or-treaters, providing an entertaining story for kids that also lasts longer than candy. The mini-comic packs will be available to pre-order from the July PREVIEWS catalog found only at comic shops starting June 25th. Pre-ordering allows fans to order as many of the packs they want and ensures they will get them once they are available in early October. “This year we want communities to participate in the Halloween ComicFest events at their local comic shop, which really is a great destination to get the latest comics and pop-culture items, meet new friends, and celebrate in Halloween fun,” said Halloween ComicFest Spokesperson, Jason Blanchard. “What makes this year unique for Halloween ComicFest are the HCF Mini Packs available for fans to purchase and use not only as a healthier alternative to candy on Halloween, but as an opportunity to pass on the fun of discovering and reading comics to the next generation.” Designed to celebrate comic shops as unique community businesses, and reach new customers, Halloween ComicFest helps retailers and the entire industry springboard into the end of the year holiday selling season. Comic fans are encouraged to check out www.halloweencomicfest.com over the coming months for more information on the event and local retailer activities. Fans can also get the most up-to-date information regarding all the festivities from the Halloween ComicFest Facebook and Twitter. ![]() Here is some Green Lantern news from the panel. Red Lanterns currently features Supergirl as the newest member, and the Red Lanterns are now the sole protectors of Earth and its sector, 2814, kicking the Green Lanterns out. But Guy Gardner took the Red Lantern Corps from Atrocitus, and he's been gaining power trying to get the Corps back. Another new Red Lantern called "The Judge" was just introduced, as well. "We're building up to the big conflict between Guy Gardner and Atrocitus. I just finished that issue, and I tried to give you as many 'oh my god' moments as I could in that. They go to Earth, and the Grand Canyon gets melted..." "Oh, and Guy has a sweet mustache now." And some Earth 2 GL news. Earth 2 was next, and artist Nicola Scott represented the creative team. "Tom Taylor has been brilliant about adding more levity to a book that's really about the slow destruction of a planet. Having these light character moments with Jimmy for comedy or Val who's fresh and innocent." In the next issue, though, "Green Lantern has a speech for everybody else that sums up what state the Earth is really in, and it's really not good. There is stuff coming I don't even know how to talk about because it's just crazy." Of a particular scene in Earth 2 #22, she said it was fun to "sneak in a butt shot" of Alan Scott with a laugh. |
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