Before he can discover why the Green Lantern Corps disappeared and left him as last hero standing, Renegade Hal Jordan must stop the fabric of the universe from crumbling. He’ll need the help of two of his greatest foes to do it: Relic and Black Hand!
From Comicosity
GREEN LANTERN #45 Written by Robert Venditti Art by Billy Tan and Mark Irwin Published by DC Comics Release Date: October 7, 2015 Following a trail of death from one planet to the next, renegade Hal Jordan faces Black Hand in a duel unlike any you’ve seen before! One wields a weapon mightier than a dozen Green Lantern rings. The other has the power to turn entire planets to stone. Both will be tested to their limits—and beyond What happened to Hal before the Green Lantern Corps disappeared and he was being hunted by them? Where did he get his new ship and new look? All is revealed here! Plus, a new force in the universe rises to take the place of the Green Lantern Corps!
(W) Robert Venditti (A) Billy Tan, Mark Irwin (CA) Billy Tan Variant cover by Howard Chaykin It's out of the frying pan and into the fire as Hal tries to recover from his encounter with Relic! But he's about to run into some serious trouble, courtesy of a new menace from Thanagar! Item Code: JUL150283In Shops: 9/2/2015SRP: $3.99 Green Lantern 75th Anniversary Variant Cover Month GREEN LANTERN #43
Written by ROBERT VENDITTI Art by ETHAN VAN SCIVER Cover by BILLY TAN Bombshells Variant cover by EMANUELA LUPACCHINO On sale AUGUST 5 • 32 pg, FC, $3.99 US • RATED T Retailers: This issue will ship with two covers. Please see the order form for more information. “Renegade” continues! Hal Jordan’s at the very edge of space confronting an old adversary who may be key in helping the former Green Lantern save the universe! GREEN LANTERN #42
(W) Robert Venditti (A) Billy Tan, Mark Irwin (CA) Billy Tan Renegade Green Lantern Hal Jordan's investigation into the disappearance of the Green Lantern Corps will have to wait - he has bigger problems on his hands. Inexplicably, entire worlds are being turned to stone. But before Hal can discover the cause, he'll have to face a criminal gang that's pursuing him across the universe! Item Code: MAY150221 In Shops: 7/1/2015 SRP: $3.99 “Renegade”! Beginning a new chapter in Hal Jordan’s life as he becomes the universe’s most wanted outlaw! And wait till you meet Hal’s new partner, Darlene – she’s definitely not what you’re expecting!
Preview from Convergence: The Atom #2
STORY BY: Robert Venditti ART BY: Billy Tan COVER BY: Billy Tan On the run, RENEGADE Hal Jordan is confronted by both sides of the law at a galactic outpost. Beware his new power gauntlet, and watch out for his new partner! GREEN LANTERN #40
(W) Robert Venditti (A) Billy Tan, Mark Irwin (CA) Billy Tan It's the ultimate betrayal! But what could make Hal Jordan turn on the Templar Guardians and the Corps? Setting the stage for a status quo change that will impact all the Green Lantern titles! Item Code: JAN150342 In Shops: 3/4/2015 SRP: $2.99 Hal Jordan returns to Oa knowing he has to face the consequences for defying the Templar Guardians during “Godhead.” But whatever the Guardians have planned for him pales before the true threat the Corps will soon face. Hal’s about to learn that sometimes fighting for the greater good comes at an even greater personal cost.
May 2023
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