The crossover event of 2015 continues here, as Starfleet and the Green Lantern Corps team up in the middle of a ring-powered galactic war! The evil Nekron has arrived in the Star Trek universe... with his eye on resurrecting the planet Vulcan itself! Don't miss out on the latest chapter of this franchise-spanning epic!
Tom Taylor announced at NYCC the new Green Lantern miniseries "Edge of Oblivion" that will feature Ethan Van Sciver on art, a fact that will surely please a lot of GL fans.
Also revealed was the variant cover by Ivan Reis, another GL fan favorite (above). Edge Of Oblivion will be six issues and will pick up after Lost Army. As pointed out by The Blog Of Oa it is unsure whether Cullen Bunn will have any input into the series since it seems to being continuing what he started in Lost Army. No word on release date but most likely it will be the beginning of 2016. Ethan Van Sciver posted the teaser pic of the interior art at right, and check out Tom Taylor's NYCC interview from Comicvine below. On a mission from Sinestro, Lobo hunts the last of the Red Lanterns—but will his involvement reignite the rage that fuels this deadly corps?
February 2020
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