JUSTICE SOCIETY OF AMERICA #1 Written by GEOFF JOHNS Art and cover by MIKEL JANÍN Variant cover by YANICK PAQUETTE '90s Cover Month variant cover by JOE QUINONES 1:25 variant cover by JERRY ORDWAY 1:50 variant cover by STEVE LIEBER $3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card stock) ON SALE 11/22/22 The JSA returns in this monthly series by writer Geoff Johns and artist Mikel Janín with "Justice Society of America: The New Golden Age Part One"! The world's first and greatest superheroes return! Or do they? A long-lost hero from the JSA crashes into our era with a grave warning… but it's too late. A mysterious and malevolent enemy has invaded the entire history of the JSA, and an all-new team must come together to defeat it. But what deadly secret does this messenger from beyond keep? Where are they from? And why is all of this happening now? Only the Time Masters know…
DC: MECH #5 Written by KENNY PORTER Art and cover by BALDEMAR RIVAS Variant cover by DAN MORA 1:25 variant cover by RICARDO LÓPEZ ORTIZ 1:50 variant cover by DAN MORA $3.99 US | 32 pages | 5 of 6 | Variant $4.99 US (card stock) ON SALE 11/22/22 A SQUADRON DIVIDED! The Justice Squadron is in pieces. The Green Lanterns and Flash have flown off to space with their mechs to face Darkseid's forces head-on, still unwilling to trust Superman or accept his help. Batman will need to convince Wonder Woman that Superman is ready to rejoin their team, and time is running out. Darkseid's forces are at their full power, and Lex Luthor is getting ready to unleash his ultimate weapon on the world...enter the biomechanical nightmare that is...B1-ZAR-0!!!
January 2025
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