![]() There has been a number of rumors floating around lately, but some seem to have someone backing them up, well sort of. Rumors have come out that the DC movie universe Green Lantern would be older, like the gray hair Hal years back in the comics, other rumor is he will not be in the Justice League film. Another rumor has him showing up to warn of Darkseid. While this seem to be just rumors one more rumor seems to have an actor backing them up. Tyrese Gibson has been posting on Facebook, Instagram, and such hinting that he is up for or even has the roll stating, "I am fully committed to suiting up for this adventure." Idris Elba has been a fan favorite for the role but it is said he can't do it because of his commitment to Marvel. It is entirely possible we may get two Green Lanterns Hal for Justice League and John for the standalone film. Gibson posted the photos featured here of him as Green Lantern to support his cause. As soon as we get official word we will post it.
October 2017
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