![]() There’s been a lot of talk as to when Green Lantern will show up in the DCCU, both from fans, the media, as well as from Warner Bros/DC Comics themselves. Dan Amboyer is listed as a drone pilot on IMDB and has hinted and teased that he may be Green Lantern, he does seem to fit the part, but Warner/DC seem to be mixed on it. Green Lantern was mentioned in the Dawn Of The Justice League special but Warner executive Greg Silverman suggests it maybe awhile before GL shows up possibly not till JL Part 2. As our friends at The Blog Of Oa pointed out, and we agree with, that this is a disappointment to many. They can include GL now and I personal feel this would be better and won’t hurt the character; a matter of fact is I feel they can use the 2011 GL film as basis for this to happen, yes some may cringe at the thought but I will explain. ![]() In the 2011 GL film much happens off world and what happens on Earth is actually brief time wise. Since this happen before Man Of Steel Clark could take a “not get involved” stance per what his father taught him, also since he isn’t Superman yet at that point, and Batman wouldn’t be able to get there before the situation resolved itself with GL defeating Parallax. After the film GL could be in different part of sector 2814 dealing with other things or learning about his powers. This could all be handled much in the same way Bruce Wayne being in Metropolis is handled in BvS during the events of Man Of Steel. Also since BvS is more between Batman and Superman he could remain in space or possibly dealing with a bigger threat (Darkseid if rumors are correct). There always is still the question mark as to where GL is in the DCCU whether or not this would be done since Abin Sur (who would be GL of sector 2814) should be there in theory and why hasn’t he shown up when Man Of Steel happens, yes I realize some things don’t get explained and are sometimes better off that way. Amboyer also has a similar look to Ryan Reynolds, it’s not like he looks completely different, so he would pass as the same version of the character and we know costumes change between films so there could be a way to explain it if they do. This would all help build to the Corps film in 2020 being extra GL’s for sector 2814 might be needed due to the many threats, one of the reasons this happen in the comics. I know a lot of fans are concerned, hopefully all will work out for the best and we don’t get a Fantastic Four reboot type fiasco. We will continue to keep our eyes on future developments.
![]() As we all know the Fantastic Four reboot was a major bust, both critics and fans agree on this. There has been a lot talk as to if they should have rebooted this franchise this soon, the previous film came out in 2005 and it’s sequel in 2007, among other issues. DC Comics has a major reboot in order in there DC Cinematic Universe with Green Lantern (scheduled for 2020) and fans may not realize the similarities between the two franchises and that it has very much the same risks. The first Green Lantern film came out in 2011 and the reboot is planned for 2020 9 years apart, FF was 10 years (first film) and 8 years (for the sequel) apart from the current release so the time frames are basically the same. Ratings on the site Rotten Tomatoes are very close too GL got a 26% on the Tomato Meter and 46% audience score, FF got 27% and 46% respectively (the sequel did slightly better in both). Also per Box Office Mojo GL made $53 million opening weekend and $116 million overall, FF did $56 million opening weekend and $155 million overall (the sequel came in with $58 million and $131 million respectively). There were very similar complaints on both films, with costumes (poor CGI for GL, rubber suit for the Thing), actors/acting, and the villains, especially in GL and the FF sequel, that many looked at as just a big cloud (Parallax/Galactus) rather then a noticeable, believable villain. Like the FF reboot Green Lantern will need to have differences to set itself apart. There was good in the first film but to try to make it better, and different, they may lose some of the good stuff from the first film like Mark Strong’s performance as Sinestro. In the case of the first and current FF both films are origin stories the 2005 film’s origin was fine but in the new film they were given a new origin and it just doesn’t work well in the film. For GL they need to stick close to the first films origin, maybe just tweaking it slight, and not go with a very different origin. Or they may need to jump forward like what seems to be the case with Batman and skip the origin story at least for now. DC and Warner Bros need to be careful in how they go about the whole thing, something that may help GL is that it’s included in the DC Cinematic Universe and not a solo franchise this time around, also there is the possibility (and most likely) that GL will be introduced before the solo film hits in the Justice League film(s). They have already done this in a small sense by not announcing who is playing GL despite a number of actors pushing for the role, although it could backfire at the same time by being too cautious. Another thing that may help GL is word that there will be multiple Green Lanterns for Earth not just one this could avoid fans focusing on one actors performance as the title charater, although it didn’t really help FF at all. Whether FF issues are just related to studio/director/story issues or something else DC and Warner Bros definitely need to keep it in the back of there minds going into the reboot, DC fans really want them to one up Marvel and so far they haven't but it is still very early and we will have to wait to see what they can do. There has been a lot of rumors going around about who will play Green Lantern in the Justice League or solo film and even if he will appear in the DC TV universe. One thing that seems to be the general consensus is that it will be the John Stewart version of Green Lantern.
The 2011 film featured GL Hal Jordan, played by Ryan Reynolds, the movie was considered a flop but at first it was thought they may still keep Reynolds as GL in the DC Movie universe. But Reynolds seem to not want to reprise the role and there was questions how they may tie that film to the Man Of Steel storyline going forward. When DC/Warner Bros announce Batman V Superman film and that it would lead to the Justice League talk was who would play who. Nearly all the major players have been named with one exception Green Lantern. It has not been said which version would be in it or who would play him. While that has been going on other rumors surfaced that GL could appear in DC's TV universe, they have steadily been adding characters from the DC comic universe into the Arrow/Flash shows and other spinoff's are planned and with the movie and TV universes being separate there is the possibility the same characters could appear in both. While DC/Warner Bros haven't made any announcements rumors have surfaced some by the fans but some by the actors looking to or possible playing the character, for the movie universe Dwayne The Rock Johnson made comments to it before it was said he would play Black Adam in Shazam, Idris Elba has been a fan favorite but he is contractually obligated to Marvel and can't play a DC character, Tyrese Gibson has made a major push via social media and posted a number of pics of himself as Green Lantern. Mow even the TV universe GL rumors are picking up, David Ramsey who plays John Diggle has given fuel to the rumor that Diggle is actually John Stewart, although Ferris Air has been mentioned which has to do with Hal and not John. There has been rumors of GL in the TV universe for a while. One rumor that hasn't fit to this is Nathan Fillion possibly being GL he would play Hal most likely if the rumors were true, which could fit with a rumor of an older seasoned GL in the Justice League. While they should really keep closer to the comics in whatever they do so they can build the Corps up but it looks like they will go a different direction to distinguish it from the 2011 film which isn't such a bad thing especially since it's part of a bigger cinematic universe. We'll have to see what DC/Warner Bros decides which hopefully will happen soon, until then will have wait patiently. ![]() There has been a number of rumors floating around lately, but some seem to have someone backing them up, well sort of. Rumors have come out that the DC movie universe Green Lantern would be older, like the gray hair Hal years back in the comics, other rumor is he will not be in the Justice League film. Another rumor has him showing up to warn of Darkseid. While this seem to be just rumors one more rumor seems to have an actor backing them up. Tyrese Gibson has been posting on Facebook, Instagram, and such hinting that he is up for or even has the roll stating, "I am fully committed to suiting up for this adventure." Idris Elba has been a fan favorite for the role but it is said he can't do it because of his commitment to Marvel. It is entirely possible we may get two Green Lanterns Hal for Justice League and John for the standalone film. Gibson posted the photos featured here of him as Green Lantern to support his cause. As soon as we get official word we will post it. Warner announce a bunch of films from the DC Universe including film that were known and not known, including a Green Lantern film for 2020. The list includes Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg, Shazam, Suicide Squad, Flash, and multiple Justice League films. Not on the list was Batman or Superman but Warner Bros CEO Kevin Tsujihara said that there will be standalone films for them. The separate Green Lantern and Flash films go against earlier rumors of a "buddy" film for the two but that was also rumored to by a TV movie. It is not known at this point who will be playing Green Lantern. Below is the film slate timeline.
![]() Green Lantern, the first big budget movie from DC Comics not to star Superman or Batman, opens today (yes there have been a few minor superhero films). After seeing the midnight showing I am giving my review of the film, I will refrain from any spoilers, well mostly (wink). One of the first things is this is not a straight adaption of the comic, while there are many elements here, there are also certain things that weren't, some just didn't translate well to film so they weren't included. There are also some changes to the origin of Green Lantern Hal Jordan, this film is in many ways an origin story, for example Parallax defeating Abin Sur before he crashes on earth is not the original origin. But I don't find these things to be a major issue as long as the film is enjoyable, which I felt it was. Because this is an origin story is does take a little bit to get going but once it does it moves along at a good pace. Some scenes, particularly the fight scenes and training scenes may seem a little short but they do show enough to get the point across, yes I do wish they were longer. The CGI was done very well despite they worked on it till the end, Oa looked amazing, but the 3D could have been a little better, it seemed a little blurry and out of focus at times. The story was told well and got a lot in in a short time frame, 1 hour 45 minutes. Some may not be happy with how some scenes went, the romantic ones for example seem a little too much, but they are a necessary evil in a film of this type. Mark Strong as Sinestro was easily the best of the main actors in the film in my opinion, he played the role the way most will hope he would have. Most of the other actors, Ryan Reynolds, Peter Sarsgaard, etc., were pretty good although not prefect, Blake Lively was the weakest but she was decent as Carol Ferris although a little uneven at times, I'm curious to see how this may play out in a sequel(s). ![]() Fans of comics will mostly be pretty happy with the movie, non-comic book fans will be a little more mixed. The movie seems to be on par with the first Ironman film, a comparison I really rather not make because too many think this will lead to a Justice League movie which DC has not fully committed to. Other movie goers seemed to have similar feelings on the movie as I have, and a number plan on seeing it again as I will (in 2D next time). The big after credit scene (possible spoiler) was a little rushed as a fellow movie goer put it but I did feel it fit into the film the way it was done. I can definitely see them making a sequel, there is way too much to explore in the Green Lantern universe not to. Overall I feel the movie was a solid 4 of 5 stars, not the best superhero movie ever but far from the worst and better then many. If you haven't seen it you definitely should (in either 3D or 2D) it is worth the price of admission. Thank you for reading and enjoy the movie if you haven't already. ![]() From MTV Star talks of the challenges of combining fanboys' wishes with his own. Ryan Reynolds knows his "Green Lantern" lore. He has committed Hal Jordan's signature oath to memory and can speak knowledgably about lesser-known characters like Bzzd. And as a devoted fan of the DC Comics series, he understands the pressure that comes along with a big-screen adaptation. The weight of fan expectation was all the greater after the initial "Green Lantern" trailer was not exactly warmly embraced. But following the debut of fresh footage at CinemaCon last month, opinion has shifted. "I feel better," Reynolds admitted to MTV News, which is debuting a very cool character banner as part of our Summer Movie Preview week. In a later interview, he expanded on those comments about the burden of bringing "Green Lantern" to the multiplex on June 17. "This one is particularly challenging because you want to get it right for so many people coming in with a built-in expectation," he explained. "It's one thing to do it for a film when you're inventing a character that nobody's heard of. That's great. It's another when you're reimagining a character that people have known for decades. So that's not an insignificant challenge. "You want to come in there and bring them something that is truly memorable and is exactly what they want blended with exactly what I want, because I am the guy that's got to do it," he added. "It's exciting. There are challenges." Yet Reynolds maintains that the film's story will be one that appeals not just to the fanboys but also to a broader audience: His Hal Jordan is an egocentric test pilot who transforms, thanks to a Green Lantern power ring, to a universe-protecting superhero. As Reynolds put it, "This is a guy that goes from a reckless, walking mishap to a guy with a higher calling, and he really rises to that occasion and experiences real humility and purpose for the first time in his life. That's a story I think a lot of people will gravitate toward." |
October 2017
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