![]() There’s been a lot of talk as to when Green Lantern will show up in the DCCU, both from fans, the media, as well as from Warner Bros/DC Comics themselves. Dan Amboyer is listed as a drone pilot on IMDB and has hinted and teased that he may be Green Lantern, he does seem to fit the part, but Warner/DC seem to be mixed on it. Green Lantern was mentioned in the Dawn Of The Justice League special but Warner executive Greg Silverman suggests it maybe awhile before GL shows up possibly not till JL Part 2. As our friends at The Blog Of Oa pointed out, and we agree with, that this is a disappointment to many. They can include GL now and I personal feel this would be better and won’t hurt the character; a matter of fact is I feel they can use the 2011 GL film as basis for this to happen, yes some may cringe at the thought but I will explain. ![]() In the 2011 GL film much happens off world and what happens on Earth is actually brief time wise. Since this happen before Man Of Steel Clark could take a “not get involved” stance per what his father taught him, also since he isn’t Superman yet at that point, and Batman wouldn’t be able to get there before the situation resolved itself with GL defeating Parallax. After the film GL could be in different part of sector 2814 dealing with other things or learning about his powers. This could all be handled much in the same way Bruce Wayne being in Metropolis is handled in BvS during the events of Man Of Steel. Also since BvS is more between Batman and Superman he could remain in space or possibly dealing with a bigger threat (Darkseid if rumors are correct). There always is still the question mark as to where GL is in the DCCU whether or not this would be done since Abin Sur (who would be GL of sector 2814) should be there in theory and why hasn’t he shown up when Man Of Steel happens, yes I realize some things don’t get explained and are sometimes better off that way. Amboyer also has a similar look to Ryan Reynolds, it’s not like he looks completely different, so he would pass as the same version of the character and we know costumes change between films so there could be a way to explain it if they do. This would all help build to the Corps film in 2020 being extra GL’s for sector 2814 might be needed due to the many threats, one of the reasons this happen in the comics. I know a lot of fans are concerned, hopefully all will work out for the best and we don’t get a Fantastic Four reboot type fiasco. We will continue to keep our eyes on future developments.
October 2017
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